I was born on February 7, 1974 in Sydney . My parents names are Neville and Christine Rylah. We moved to Brisbane when I was 16 months old for my father's job. I have a younger brother Brad by 2 ½ years and an older brother Mark by 9 years.
My father was heavily into sports when I was a baby. He played 1st grade rugby, competitive swimming and also a very active member of a surf life saving club (life guard club) competing on a regular basis in surf carnivals. I of course accompanied mum (mom in the US ) and dad to all the games and carnivals. So I was exposed to sports from the very beginning.
My first introduction into sports was learning how to swim at age 3. I don't remember much from then but I do remember it wasn't a chore or hard work, just part of what I thought was normal life. By the age of 8 I was racing in swim carnivals, competing in athletic carnivals, playing rugby and a member of a surf life saving club as a 'nipper' (kids aged between 7 and 13). In retrospect I realize how very active my childhood was, but at the time it was just what you did in life to me. I continued heavily with sports all through my teenage years also getting involved with boxing, kickboxing and triathlons.
The "bodybuilding bug" hit me at age 14. I had always wanted to have muscles but knew absolutely nothing about it. I walked into a newsstand one afternoon after school and saw a Muscle and Fitness magazine, I picked it up and looked at it in awe immediately saying to myself I want to be like these guys some day. I read that magazine from cover to cover studying everything with detail, how the men in it looked, how they trained, how they ate, I read everything on every page.
I wasn't allowed to join a real gym until age 16 but did get a light dumbbell and barbell set for home. Over the next 2 years I studied every bodybuilding magazine and book I could get my hands on. Mimicking the exercises I saw in the magazines, even with make shift benches using chairs etc. I slowly learned how it all worked. I view this time in my life as my apprenticeship.
I joined my first gym at 16 as promised by my parents. At this stage weights were mainly to increase my strength for my other sports but deep down I was falling more and more in love with bodybuilding. I was still learning everything I could from books and magazines but now I had other more experienced bodybuilders to learn from. I would watch them and ask many questions, and then I would apply what I had learned from them and the magazines and try different things out.
Slowly, I developed a training style that worked best for me. It was modeled after the style made famous by Mike Menzer and Dorian Yates. They were both champion bodybuilders, Dorian was Mr Olympia for 6 years straight. It's called 'blood and guts' or 'heavy duty'. Rather than do lots of sets and reps at moderate to hard intensity, I warm up and then focus very intensely on only one very hard set for each exercise. It's the only way I like to train these days. It's more brutal but way more fun and invigorating.
At 18 I was focused heavily on rugby and becoming a professional player. I had already represented the state of Queensland since the age of 14 so I knew I could have a future in the sport as a professional. Bodybuilding was still growing as a passion but I had chosen rugby as my future. Well that was all changed one Saturday in 1992 when I shattered my knee during a game, only one month before my first trial with a professional team. I was devastated at the time, my whole future as I knew it had been taken away.
After my knee surgery my doctor told me I would never be able to squat again. Oh man!!! This was another shocking blow; squats had become my number one leg exercise. But I didn't take any notice of him. I slowly and carefully worked my way back up to heavy squats again. I have to use perfect form and make sure to warm up properly as well as strap them when on my heavy sets but squats are still the core of my leg training. To this day I have two screws in my right knee but at my best can still squat 180kg (400lb) for 10 full reps. Bloody doctors, what do they know!!!
Not being able to play rugby anymore, it was a natural transition to bodybuilding, which had become a very close second love. I did my first competition at age 20, which was hard because at that age all my friends were out having fun enjoying their youth and I was missing out on a lot of that fun, but not all ;). I placed 2nd in the Queensland juniors. Then I competed in the open Queensland titles at age 23 placing 5th amongst a fairly tough field. I went into this competition thinking I was out of my league but walked away with a lot more confidence in myself as a bodybuilder and what I was doing.
Around the same time I got a job at Warner Bros. Movie World on the Gold Coast in Australia playing Batman, Superman, Mr Freeze and a cowboy in a western stage show. This was one of the coolest jobs in the world. I got to drive around in the Bat mobile (which had a 350 chev powering it, for those who know what I'm talking about), I got to do fight scenes as Batman after abseiling down the Daily Planet and then drive off in the Bat mobile as the victor, fight scenes as Mr Freeze (big heavy bloody suit), take photos with lots and lots of kids thinking I was their super hero lol (funny now I think about it) but seeing the kids faces light up the way they did was awesome ;). I also got to shoot guns, do fight scenes and try to act with lines as a cowboy in a live western stage show. It was so much fun, helped me grow as a person and develop many skills both physically and mentally.
I was also studying justice at college at the same time. My goal was to join the police force and work my way towards the S.E.R.T. (S.W.A.T.) team. I loved the challenge and always loved the thought of being so highly trained. My brother Brad was in the same classes as me, we both wanted to do the same thing at the time which was really cool, but that all changed when I got the opportunity to join Manpower (Thunder From Down Under) and tour the world. This has to be the coolest job in the world!!!
I had a meeting with the owner of Manpower in early 1997 about joining the show. I was told for me to get into the show I needed to...lose 10kg (20lb) because I was just too big at the time, grow my hair longer (I had the typical meat head haircut), learn how to do back flips and do dance classes. I think he was just trying to discourage me because he didn't seem very interested. Little did he know I was driven enough to spend the next 12 months doing everything he said I needed to do.
I did two dance classes a week (can you imagine a bodybuilding in an advanced jazz class trying to get good as quick as possible LOL), two acrobatics classes a week (the instructor eventually joined Manpower himself, Craig Stott. The poor guy, I was 97kg (215lb) and here I was at 23 trying to learn how to do back flips and he had to teach and spot me, he ended up with a minor shoulder injury because of it, sorry mate!!). I also slowly lost the weight and grew my hair (much to my disgust).
On top of all that I worked two jobs to fund all the extra expenses, did my usual 4 days a week at the gym and did cardio every morning. I got burnt out many times and was on the edge of burnout the rest of the time but I was on a mission and would not fail (mum use to get worried about me, as mum's do, and try to get me to slow down, I love my mum ;). It was a very intense 12 months but very rewarding personally, it made me a much stronger person. When I returned with a video of me doing back flips and a dance routine, as well as 10kg lighter with longer hair, I gave him no choice but to sign me up!!!
I spent three years with the show traveling for up to 10 months a year all over the world. It was a very intense three years but it was the experience of a lifetime. It changed me as a person, I grew up quickly, becoming very at peace with who I am and more understanding of other people and different ways of life. And of course had the time of my life doing it. I have so many good memories some I can talk about and some I can't ;). These guys are like brothers to me now. Manpower is still a permanent fixture in Vegas and I always look forward to my trips there to visit the boys'.
I won my first bodybuilding show while on tour with Manpower, the Gold Coast IFBB light heavyweights. This was one of the toughest things ever, to peak for a show while touring and performing each night but it only served to make me stronger. Being in a different town nearly everyday not knowing where the gyms were, or the grocery stores were, carrying around a little esky (cooler) for my food and then cooking it up with an electric skillet and rice cooker on the hotel room floor, performing just about every night of the week and trying to fit in enough sleep to keep up with it all was pretty intense and tiring. I nearly gave up a few times but glad I didn't. The things we do!!! But it's a fond memory and one of the most rewarding victories for me.
I left the show in December of 2000. The reason I left was to chase my dream, the dream that I envisioned 12 years earlier when I saw my first bodybuilding magazine. There were times when it just seemed unreachable, but the dream never left me. I just kept doing what I thought I needed to do, which was constantly strive to build the most perfect physique my genetics would allow.
At the start of 2004 I felt I had finally built a physique good enough to take the step into the bodybuilding modeling industry, which is really only in the US . I sent Muscle and Fitness magazine a couple of my very best photos, hinting at the fact that I wanted to be on the cover. I knew I was being bold but what did I have to lose?? Much to my joy they contacted me promptly asking if I would be available for a shoot in early June. Of course my answer was yes. I set out a plan to be the very best I could be, this was it for me, a realization of a dream that started 16 years earlier.
With the confidence that this gave me, I also went ahead and contacted Australian Ironman magazine hinting at the same thing. I got that cover and an article/interview inside. So then I just went for it and did the same thing with Musclemag, and got a cover shoot, training shoot and star profile with them also. To me this was just crazy, I couldn't believe all this was happening. I was an unknown, living far away in Australia , but I was being flown to the U.S. to do cover shoots with the biggest bodybuilding magazines in the world. The feeling this gave me was overwhelming, but a 'YEAH, I REALLY DID IT' feeling!!!!!! This feeling is beyond words.
I did everything I possibly could to be the best I could be for the trip. I couldn't have been better or more prepared at the time.
I spent 7 months in the US giving my potential career everything I had. It was the most intense time in my life to date. Everyday was a day I was focused on doing as much as I could to be successful and build a career for myself. I came across so many obstacles, it wasn't an easy run at all but I found as long as I never gave up and kept pushing and pushing I always found a way through. It's a tough industry to break and I certainly don't feel I've broken in yet but I'm much closer than I've ever been, that's for sure!!!
There were days when I felt it was all too much and thought maybe I should just go home to safe ground, but somehow I found something from inside to keep me going. I have never been so driven in my life to accomplish something. By the time I was due to go home again (mid December 2004) I had done many photo shoots for major magazines, print interviews for major magazines, appeared on morning fitness shows and made many contacts within the industry. I was also extremely burnt out and needed a good rest. I actually kissed my hand and touched the ground once I walked out of the airport onto Australian soil.
I did make the impact I was aiming for and knew I couldn't have tried any harder, just waiting to see what results come up from all the hard work. I have big plans for the future and I'm giving it everything I have to get there, the fire is burning very bright within, but even if nothing else comes of this I've achieved the ultimate for myself so I am at peace!!!
I'm hoping this story can make others believe they can achieve anything if they really want it. It's all in your mind. I was a long way from my dream when I first dreamt it, but after 16 years of chipping away I finally made it. You can achieve your dreams, it's not easy, you have to really want them, work hard for them and truly believe if you never give up and keep working towards them that one day you can actually get there. Go for it, it's up to you!!!