- Name: Lee Priest
- Location: Venice, California, USA
- Born: July 6, 1972
- Height: 5'4"
- Off Season Weight: 270-285 lbs.
- Competition Weight: 200-225 lbs.
- Training since age 13
- Arms: 20 3/4" (in competition, pumped) to 21 3/4" (off-season, pumped)
Competitive Record
Lee PriestLee was born July 6, 1972 in Newcastle, Australia. His height is 5'4", making Lee one of the shortest, most powerful bodybuilders in the pros. His complete name is Lee Andrew Priest McCutcheon. He was raised in Walls End, New South Wales, Australia. Lee Attended Platsburg Primary School. He Has a sister, who is two years older. Lee's mom also was a bodybuilding competitor, and appeared with Lee on stage posing together once. He is married to Cathy Priest, a beautiful female bodybuilder! They got married on July 1st, 2000.
First Bodybuilding Contest: The 1986 Sydney Bodybuilding Classic
Major Wins: I won the Mr. Australia three times - 1989, '90 and '91.
Highlight of Career: Placing sixth at the 1997 Olympia at the tender age of 25.
Biggest Disappointment of Career: Having to cut out KFC at contest time. As to having my placing changed at the 1997 Mr. O, I don't worry about that stuff, shit happens.
Role Models in Bodybuilding: Dorian Yates, Paul Dillett, and Nasser El Sonbaty, I have a lot for the guys with the freakier physiques and that's what I want to emulate.
Bodybuilders Whose Personalites You Most Admire: Paul Dillett, Mike Matarazzo, Tom Platz.
Least-favourite Exercise: All of them.
Favourite Exercise: I don't have any.
Long-Term Personal Ambition: To live long enough to see a bodybuilding show judged correctly.
Long-Term Bodybuilding Ambition: To do the best I can and to get progressively bigger.
Best Bodypart: My Heart.
Worst: My whole body; that's why I keep training hard to improve.
What You Would Be If Not A Bodybuilder: A mortician. It's steady work, especially in Los Angeles.
Possession You Prize Above All Others: My life.
Idea of a Perfect Vacation: Going to any place with no gym or junk food.
Favourite Car: BMW 850i - the car I drive. Hummers and Lamborghinis are not bad at all.
Favourite Binge-Out Treat: KFC, Chinese Food and Ice-Cream bars.
Favourite Food: Junk Food!
Favourite Musician: I like love songs and ballads. Celine Dion is a good example of a singer who I enjoy listening too.
Favourite Book: Whatever is sitting beside the toilet when I visit.
Favourite City: Metropolis
Favourite Comedian: Adam Sandler is pretty funny. I like comedians who are rude and disgusting.
Favourite TV Programmes: Days of Our Lives and any TV talk show.
Trait you Admire in Yourself: My sense of humour.
Traits you Admire in Others: Honesty, and a good sense of humour.
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